A typewriter. A manual typewriter on top of it. Circa 1970's. Now there's a 50 year vintage antique!
If you've used one before, do you remember the various parts: paper rest, platen, carriage return, roller knob, ribbon, strikers? Then there's the necessary accessories, such as correction tape or correction fluid (for example: Wite-Out or Liquid Paper), for correcting those inevitable typos. Life was simpler back then, or was it? From its origins in 1877 as a manufacturer of firearms, Smith Corona used similar mechanical processes and manufacturing techniques in the emerging production of typewriters, leading to innovations in typewriters, word processors and thermal labels. Being forward thinking and adapting to changing times, this company has remained in business and profitable for over 140 years. How about you? How adaptable are you? Can you "go with the flow", and innovate and change according to the challenges in your life? Do you seek God's help and guidance for your growth? Do you tap, tap, tap, return? Or walk, sprint, run, jump forward? TAGS: Inspiration, Story |
"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
February 2025