In the quiet sanctuaries of our own hearts,
let each of us name and call on the One whose power over us is great and gentle, firm and forgiving, holy and healing ... You who created us, who sustain us, who call us to live in peace, hear our prayer this day. Hear our prayer for all who have died, whose hearts and hopes are known to you alone ... Hear our prayer for those who put the welfare of others ahead of their own and give us hearts as generous as theirs ... Hear our prayer for those who gave their lives in the service of others, and accept the gift of their sacrifice ... Help us to shape and make a world where we will lay down the arms of war and turn our swords into ploughshares for a harvest of justice and peace ... Comfort those who grieve the loss of their loved ones and let your healing be the hope in our hearts... Hear our prayer this day and in your mercy answer us in the name of all that is holy. The peace of God be with you. - Austin Fleming SOURCE: "The spirit of the LORD came upon him ... " - Judges 3:10
Cancer is invading his brain. He lies in bed most of the day. People come and go, but he seems alone. I visited the other day. When I left, I touched his hand to wish him well until I visited again. "All of a sudden I have goosebumps", he said. "Look at the goosebumps!" he exclaimed. The room was not cold. There was no air blowing. I knew where the goosebumps originated. The Holy Spirit passed from me to him. Pentecost is alive and well. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen. ![]() Blog Post #100. One hundred. Ten more than ninety. We sure have looked at a lot of little life moments with our spiritual eye! One hundred of them to be exact. Our blog will be 2 years old soon. The "terrible twos". Often associated with defiant or unruly behavior, you can expect things to get shaken up a bit around here too. Stay tuned ... ![]() I was waiting in the doctor's office while the patient was having a procedure. How much time do you spend waiting? In the checkout line, "on hold" on the phone, watching a train cross the tracks? It seems like hours, but it's often only minutes or even seconds. Why are you in such a hurry? What's more important than what you're doing right now? How productive are you with your waiting time? Are you anxious? Are you angry? Are you impatient? Are you relaxed? Are you prayerful? Are you thankful? As for me, I drifted asleep. I wasted my waiting time when I could have been waiting with Jesus. Lord Jesus, help me to see the time that I wait as an opportunity to spend time with you. Amen. |
"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
February 2025