"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." - 2 Corinthians 3:17
The Swallow-tailed Kite bird, unique in its shape, is a beauty to behold as it swoops left and right, high and low. Gliding so effortlessly through the air. Its wings barely move as it virtually hangs motionless in the sky. Already unique in our form, we would do good to emulate the Swallow-tailed Kite's gracefulness. To be so spiritually free. Loving God, self, and neighbor with an unconditional love. A kite without strings. A spirit mercifully free. Holy Spirit, I yearn for Thee. Amen. TAGS: Prayer, Reflection "He said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.'" - Mark 6:31
The little critters seem to get it. Perched on a stoop in solitude, they can sit and watch and be still for long periods of time until something disrupts their peace. People don't get it. They need a lot more prodding to silence themselves and become lost in quiet reflection. Have you gone to a deserted place today to rest a while? If not today, did you go yesterday? This week? Last week? This month? Last month? Be like the chipmunk and rest a while. TAGS: Inspiration |
"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
February 2025