"Then they said to each other, 'Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?' " - Luke 24:32
Beautiful, red, large, and HOT! Our Cayenne peppers are reaching their peak. With a Scoville rating of 30,000-50,000 heat units (a measurement of the spicy heat of chili peppers), they are hotter than Jalapeno peppers (3,500-10,000 heat units) but far below the heat of Habanero peppers (100,000-350,000 heat units) or Komodo Dragon peppers (855,000-2,200,000 heat units). What is your "heat rating"? Are you on fire for the Lord? Are you burning with desire for your Savior? Do you turn up the summer heat and soak up every ray of the Son? "... the strong hand and outstretched arm with which the LORD, your God, brought you out." - Deuteronomy 7:19 Since 1931, the Christ the Redeemer statue has stood guard over the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Traditionally, the depiction of Christ with open arms is a symbol of peace. With the 2016 Summer Olympic Games taking place in Rio, the statue has been shown a lot in newscasts and sportscasts. It has also been the subject of many stories and documentaries, and the backdrop for countless photos and selfies. How "odd" to have this iconic and CATHOLIC structure receiving so much attention and being in the forefront of such a secular athletic event. Thank you, God, for shining a spotlight on Christ the Redeemer for all to see. May this imposing structure warm the hearts of those who may be seeing it with their eyes, or feeling it with their souls, for the first time. May the embrace of Your open arms envelop all. Amen. "In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths" - Psalm 23:2-3
Wild turkeys. You don't often see them walking on the side of the road. A mother and her brood were spotted the other day. She was nurturing, protecting, and guiding them along the way. Our Father does the same for us. He nurtures, protects, and guides us along our way. Heavenly Father, lead me along right paths. Amen. "Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels." (Hebrews 13:2)
The pineapple has long been the symbol of warmth, welcome, friendship and hospitality. We see them around main entrances. We find them in architecture, furniture, and home decor. We can allow the pineapple to be our symbol as well, as we let our kindness and generosity be a welcome mat to all those who enter our lives. Ever-loving God, who having loved us loves us still, help us to hear again your word, “By this shall they know you are my disciples; that you love one another.” Turn our hostility into hospitality and our callousness into care. Through Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. They painted the fire hydrants in the neighborhood. They used to be green with white "hats". They were cute, indiscreet, and blended in with the landscape. Now they are red from "head to toe". They are bold, colorful, and clash with the landscape. It was probably hard to find them before; now they scream "here I am" to those who need them and need to find them. We are like the fire hydrants in terms of our faith. Do we hide the fact that we are Catholic and blend in with those around us? Or do we shout out our faith with our words and actions so that it can't be mistaken that we are Catholic? "The wicked flee though none pursue; but the just, like a lion, are confident." - Proverbs 28:1 What color is your "fire hydrant"? Are you pale and drab? Or bold and colorful? |
"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
September 2024