The following is a short Christmas poem written by Servant of God, Father Solanus Casey, O.F.M. Cap., reflecting on making one's heart a crib for the Eucharistic Lord.
With love and with Christmas blessings to all Comes the Infant once more to free us from sorrow Whose love and Whose power and Whose gentleness call To each heart and each soul for a manger tomorrow. Whose love and Whose power and Whose wonders proclaim Him the Son of the Virgin as promised of yore. O, may He estrange us from sin with its shame! And reign in our hearts as His crib evermore! --"Always Christmas Eve - Holy Communion Daily", c. 1930 (Only in Eternity will it be known what each communion received or missed will have meant to our souls.) TAGS: Reflection As you "prepare the way of the Lord, and make straight His paths" on your pilgrimage to Bethlehem this Advent, consider returning to a deeply spiritual approach by taking on some of these external and spiritual practices.
TAGS: Reflection "All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." - Genesis 8:22
Well, did you celebrate the recent three day holiday? You didn't miss it, did you? You know which holiday. The one that occurs four times every year and lasts for three days. We'll call it the "seasonal holiday." Four times a year, there's the last full day of the expiring season (Day 1), the arrival of the new season (Day 2), and the first full day of the new season (Day 3). With the most recent holiday, we celebrated the last full day of Summer, the arrival of Autumn, and the first full day of Autumn. It was awesome, wasn't it? From beach balls to colored leaves ... all in the blink of an eye. Similarly, we go from leaf rakes to snowmen, snow shovels to glistening buds, and tulips to lawn mowers. There is an enduring nature to God’s creation. Despite the changes in seasons, there is a divine order and stability that governs the natural world. God is the ultimate creator and orchestrator of the changing seasons. Like birds, who recognize the changing seasons and adapt accordingly, so should we remain attuned to God’s timing and purposes, even amidst the changes of life. Hope you took some time during this recent three day holiday to relax and soak in the beauty of God’s handiwork in the world around you. Awesome God, may I always find comfort and reassurance in the constancy of Your presence, even amidst the changing seasons of life. Amen. TAGS: Prayer, Reflection "No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light." - Luke 8:16
Three objects set in a row. All perfectly matched, intricately styled, and embellished with raised curves and shapes. Looking at the shiny gold luster evokes a sense of ornateness, wealth and richness. The classic and timeless Gothic design is meant to add beauty and elegance to the prayer experience. Indeed they do. The bases of these brass stands enhance the symbolism of the crucifix and the light of the candles which they behold. We could set the crucifix on a box and light candles in plastic cups. The simplicity of this act would convey a message of its own. But choosing to display the crucifix in all its finery glorifies the Lord in all His magnificence. The light of Christ shines visibly and brighter when lifted up close to Heaven. Glory Be to the Father. Amen! TAGS: Prayer, Reflection What are the odds that the acorn would fall from the tree and land peacefully, albeit forcefully, on the very corner of the wind chime tube? Truly a balancing act, and definitely an act of God.
How often do you fly from place to place, task to task, looking for a place to "land?" When you try to balance our own act, it usually results in disaster. If you just "let it happen," like a free-fall, God will ensure that your landing is smooth, and has given you all the tools to balance all that you are intended to do. Don't worry about where you're at, what you're doing, or where you want to be. God has you in the palm of His hand and has placed you exactly where He wants you to be. TAGS: Reflection, Story "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7
This blue Beetle, circa 1972, looks cute, practical and functional. Okay, maybe it drips a little oil, the seats are torn, and the hood doesn't close, but at initial glance, it sure looks pretty good! How many times do you look good on the outside, but inside you're feeling "blue?" Your stomach is in knots, your mind is in a tailspin, and your body is aching all over. You tell yourself that you just can't face one more ounce of turmoil. People look at you and comment how "together" you are, but you know different. You feel "down in the dumps", discouraged, anxious, and depressed. What's the solution? How to beat the blues? Shine up the outside, and then clean up the inside by going back to the basics: Ask, Seek, Knock. The Lord is holding the door open for you to enter His merciful and loving heart. Within no time, the drips will be plugged, the rips will be patched, and the hood will be hinged so that you'll once again be classy and functional! To the Mechanic of My Soul: hear me when I ask, find me when I seek, and open Your wide doors when I knock. Amen. TAGS: Prayer, Reflection "Your life will hang in suspense and you will stand in dread both day and night, never sure of your life." - Deuteronomy 28:66
Like this errant balloon, have you ever felt as though you were "hanging on a wire?" Feeling so insecure as though you would lose your grip? God doesn't promise us a life without stress and anxiety. There will never be any letup, and there is no assurance that we will live to see the next day. You do not know what will happen to you. But if you look at the Life hanging before you, i.e. Christ on the cross, there is reason to believe that all will be well. God has made a covenant with you, and He will not disappoint. So instead of "hanging on a wire," hang yourself on the cross of Jesus Christ and feel His healing comfort and companionship. O my Lord and Savior, take me down when I am high-strung, lift me up when I am frazzled, remind me of Your promises, and always carry me close to Your heart. Amen. TAGS: Prayer, Reflection "Go up onto a high mountain, Zion, herald of good news! Cry out at the top of your voice, Jerusalem, herald of good news! Cry out, do not fear!" - Isaiah 40:9
From a distance, this "mountain" stood tall and majestic. Yet, it was rather small considering the objects surrounding it. Not like it was Mount Everest, Mount McKinley, Mount Rainier, Pikes Peak, or even the steepest slope at Brandywine Ski Resort. But it still looked quite overwhelming. A well-known song from the Sound of Music tells us to "climb every mountain, search high and low" in order to "find your dream;" a dream that will "need all the love you can give, every day of your life, for as long as you live." In His Word, God asks us to go up every mountain and cry out at the top of your lungs. And to do so without fear. So what should you find when you "climb every mountain?" Success? Wealth? A dream? Maybe all three. The dream is to spend eternity with God, and to do so, give all of the love that you can every day of your life. Then, share your dream with everyone you meet. This will provide you with a successful and fulfilling life with great wealth of God. Though it may be made of gravel or sand or earthly dirt, climb every mountain. It will be worth it. TAGS: Reflection Most merciful Jesus,
I turn to You in my need. You are worthy of my complete trust. You are faithful in all things. When my life is filled with confusion, give me clarity and faith. When I am tempted to despair, fill my soul with hope. Most merciful Jesus, I trust You in all things. I trust in Your perfect plan for my life. I trust You when I cannot comprehend Your divine Will. I trust You when all feels lost. Jesus, I trust You more than I trust myself. Most merciful Jesus, You are all-knowing. Nothing is beyond Your sight. You are all-loving. Nothing in my life is beyond Your concern. You are all-powerful. Nothing is beyond Your grace. Most merciful Jesus, I trust in You, I trust in You, I trust in You. May I trust You always and in all things. May I daily surrender to Your Divine Mercy. Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, Pray for us as we turn to you in our need. TAGS: Reflection Why did it have to be a friend
Who chose to betray the Lord? And why did he use a kiss to show them That's not what a kiss is for? Only a friend can betray a friend A stranger has nothing to gain And only a friend comes close enough To ever cause so much pain And why did there have to be a thorny Crown pressed upon his head? It should have been a royal one Made of jewels and gold instead It had to be a crown of thorns Because in this life that we live For all who would seek to love A thorn is all the world has to give And why did it have to be a heavy cross He was made to bear? And why did they nail His feet and hands His love would have held him there It was a cross for on a cross A thief was supposed to pay And Jesus had come into the world To steal every heart away Yes, Jesus had come into the world To steal every heart away --"Way" by Michael Card (P) 1985 Sparrow Records You can listen to the song here: TAGS: Reflection |
"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
January 2025