"Go up onto a high mountain, Zion, herald of good news! Cry out at the top of your voice, Jerusalem, herald of good news! Cry out, do not fear!" - Isaiah 40:9
From a distance, this "mountain" stood tall and majestic. Yet, it was rather small considering the objects surrounding it. Not like it was Mount Everest, Mount McKinley, Mount Rainier, Pikes Peak, or even the steepest slope at Brandywine Ski Resort. But it still looked quite overwhelming. A well-known song from the Sound of Music tells us to "climb every mountain, search high and low" in order to "find your dream;" a dream that will "need all the love you can give, every day of your life, for as long as you live." In His Word, God asks us to go up every mountain and cry out at the top of your lungs. And to do so without fear. So what should you find when you "climb every mountain?" Success? Wealth? A dream? Maybe all three. The dream is to spend eternity with God, and to do so, give all of the love that you can every day of your life. Then, share your dream with everyone you meet. This will provide you with a successful and fulfilling life with great wealth of God. Though it may be made of gravel or sand or earthly dirt, climb every mountain. It will be worth it. TAGS: Reflection "Ah! Those who call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness to light, and light into darkness, who change bitter to sweet, and sweet into bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20
The leaf looked rather absurd. Kind of like a Phantom of the Opera mask or good versus evil rendering. Funny how nature can make such a distinct line between good and bad, without even a whisker of a curve in the line or the slightest bit of a crossover. Sadly, we can't be that well-defined. As much as we try to be black and white, there's always a little gray in the mix. Perhaps it's all in the way we perceive things. Do you look at the evil and see good? Do you look at the good and see evil? Do you look at this leaf and call it good? With a little pampering, water and fertilizer, do you think you could bring it back to life? Or do you look at this leaf and call it bad? Are you looking for the shears to prune this leaf because it is unsightly and could possibly infect other parts of the plant? Or do you look at this leaf and think that with some pampering, water, fertilizer, and pruning, you could nurture new growth from it? Gracious Gardener, challenge me to recognize good and evil, to separate the good from the evil, and to foster the worthiness of all. Amen. TAGS: Inspiration, Prayer Most merciful Jesus,
I turn to You in my need. You are worthy of my complete trust. You are faithful in all things. When my life is filled with confusion, give me clarity and faith. When I am tempted to despair, fill my soul with hope. Most merciful Jesus, I trust You in all things. I trust in Your perfect plan for my life. I trust You when I cannot comprehend Your divine Will. I trust You when all feels lost. Jesus, I trust You more than I trust myself. Most merciful Jesus, You are all-knowing. Nothing is beyond Your sight. You are all-loving. Nothing in my life is beyond Your concern. You are all-powerful. Nothing is beyond Your grace. Most merciful Jesus, I trust in You, I trust in You, I trust in You. May I trust You always and in all things. May I daily surrender to Your Divine Mercy. Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, Pray for us as we turn to you in our need. TAGS: Reflection Why did it have to be a friend
Who chose to betray the Lord? And why did he use a kiss to show them That's not what a kiss is for? Only a friend can betray a friend A stranger has nothing to gain And only a friend comes close enough To ever cause so much pain And why did there have to be a thorny Crown pressed upon his head? It should have been a royal one Made of jewels and gold instead It had to be a crown of thorns Because in this life that we live For all who would seek to love A thorn is all the world has to give And why did it have to be a heavy cross He was made to bear? And why did they nail His feet and hands His love would have held him there It was a cross for on a cross A thief was supposed to pay And Jesus had come into the world To steal every heart away Yes, Jesus had come into the world To steal every heart away --"Way" by Michael Card (P) 1985 Sparrow Records You can listen to the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSzKiUTov_w TAGS: Reflection Reflect on these quotes from our Saints and friends in heaven.
“As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus’ thirst…’Repent and believe’ Jesus tells us. What are we to repent? Our indifference, our hardness of heart. What are we to believe? Jesus thirsts even now, in your heart and in the poor — He knows your weakness. He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you.” - St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta “Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life…” - Pope Benedict XVI “Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.” - Thomas à Kempis “Renounce yourself in order to follow Christ; discipline your body; do not pamper yourself, but love fasting.” - St. Benedict of Nursia “Lent is like a long ‘retreat’ during which we can turn back into ourselves and listen to the voice of God, in order to defeat the temptations of the Evil One. It is a period of spiritual ‘combat’ which we must experience alongside Jesus, not with pride and presumption, but using the arms of faith: prayer, listening to the word of God and penance. In this way we will be able to celebrate Easter in truth, ready to renew the promises of our Baptism.” - Pope Benedict XVI TAGS: Reflection Frequently, and devoutly, refer to these prayers for each week in Lent.
FIRST WEEK OF LENT: My tempted Lord, You allowed Yourself to endure the humiliation of being tempted by satan himself. You did so to show me and all Your children that we can overcome our own temptations through You and by Your strength. Help me, dear Lord, to daily turn to You with my struggles so that You will be victorious in me. Jesus, I trust in You. SECOND WEEK OF LENT: My transfigured Lord, You are truly glorious in a way that is beyond my comprehension. Your glory and splendor are beyond what my imagination can ever comprehend. Help me to always keep the eyes of my heart upon You and to allow the image of Your Transfiguration to strengthen me when I’m tempted to despair. I love You, my Lord, and place all my hope in You. Jesus, I trust in You. THIRD WEEK OF LENT: My passionate Lord, I know that I am a sinner who is in need of Your mercy and, at times, in need of Your holy wrath. Help me to humbly receive Your rebukes of love and to allow You to drive all sin from my life. Have mercy on me, dear Lord. Please have mercy. Jesus, I trust in You. FOURTH WEEK OF LENT: Father in Heaven, I thank You for the perfect gift of Christ Jesus Your Son. By giving Jesus to us, You give us Your very Heart and Soul. May I be open to You more fully and to the perfect gift of Jesus in my life. I believe in You, my God. Please increase my faith and love. Jesus, I trust in You. FIFTH WEEK OF LENT: My sacrificial Lord, I give myself to You and Your holy will in a total and sacrificial way. I choose to die to self so that You can bring forth new life from this act of selfless surrender. Take me, dear Lord, and do with me as You will. Jesus, I trust in You. HOLY WEEK: My glorious King, You are worthy of all praise and adoration. Hosanna to You, hosanna in the highest! Draw me into Your glorious passion, dear Lord, and help me to see the glory of Your Cross. As I see its glory, give me the grace I need to share more fully in Your life of transforming sacrificial love. Jesus, I trust in You. TAGS: Prayer How could a little nick create such a large problem? It was just a little nick in the hot water hose under the sink. But obviously, tiny bouts of drip ... drip ... drip over a long period of time, gone unnoticed, can lead to a lot of standing water.
Such is our spiritual life. Seemingly small, unnoticed flaws, practiced repeatedly, can lead to massive issues in the future. We all know that ignoring an issue, or letting it fester, is only opening the door to welcome a spiritual disaster. Take charge and take control. Take notice of your impediments. Don't let them get the upper hand. Talk to a friend. Go to confession. Find a spiritual director. Pray about it. Take time now to patch or repair all the holes "under your sink" before the floodgates are overflowing. Almighty Father, you are the good plumber who can put right all of the pipes and fittings of our soul. Help us to see where we need repair, teach us how to fix them, and prevent us from creating our own disasters. Amen. TAGS: Prayer, Story A life's story. Times gone by. The past. Memories.
Amazing where the time went. Wondering how much time is left. Remembering what you used to be able to do. Realizing what you can no longer do. It's nice to remember; it makes you smile. Yet it's sad to think about what's already past. Going through storage areas and cleaning out closets is a daunting and exhilarating task. But it is good to de-clutter and simplify. Perhaps we now have a little less of "life" and a little more of Hope. TAGS: Reflection "Also, every grain offering that is baked in an oven or made in a pan or on a griddle shall belong to the priest who offers it" - Leviticus 7:9
A traditional dessert from the northern Italian region of Piedmont, "panna cotta," which is Italian for "cooked cream," is molded sweetened cream thickened with gelatin. This one is topped with chocolate drizzle and a candle sparkler. Without a thickener and a mold, it would just be a liquid sauce in a dish. The candle would not be able to stand. Thankfully, we are like panna cotta. We are thickened by life's events, sweetened by Love, and molded by the Spirit within us that makes our light sparkle for others to see. Panna cotta is good. God is greater. Thanks be to God. TAGS: Reflection, Story Loving God
we thank you for this past year with its positive moments and its more difficult ones. We thank you for the love we have received from family and friends And for the successes we have had at work and at home. We thank you also for the hard moments The moments that we struggled with the moments of challenge; the moments of uncertainty; the moments when we have been afraid for our safety and of those we love; the moments when we lost those dear to us. As we look forward to the next year we ask for Your grace and blessing. Give us health and strength; give us faith and hope. Send us Your Spirit. Give us peace with the choices we make Grant us joy as we look ahead and discern the future. Most of all give us the love that will guide us through whatever challenges we come across. Help us to walk beside each other with patience and forgiveness putting our hands in the hands of Your Son Jesus. He guides us and strengthens us. He is always by our side He gives us hope He helps us see beyond the small ‘now’ to the bigger picture and the wider dream The dream imagined for us by You, our Father. You who live and love Forever and ever. Amen. SOURCE: https://www.jesuits.global/2020/12/30/new-year-prayer/ TAGS: Prayer |
"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
September 2024