The following is a short Christmas poem written by Servant of God, Father Solanus Casey, O.F.M. Cap., reflecting on making one's heart a crib for the Eucharistic Lord.
With love and with Christmas blessings to all Comes the Infant once more to free us from sorrow Whose love and Whose power and Whose gentleness call To each heart and each soul for a manger tomorrow. Whose love and Whose power and Whose wonders proclaim Him the Son of the Virgin as promised of yore. O, may He estrange us from sin with its shame! And reign in our hearts as His crib evermore! --"Always Christmas Eve - Holy Communion Daily", c. 1930 (Only in Eternity will it be known what each communion received or missed will have meant to our souls.) TAGS: Reflection As you "prepare the way of the Lord, and make straight His paths" on your pilgrimage to Bethlehem this Advent, consider returning to a deeply spiritual approach by taking on some of these external and spiritual practices.
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"Looking at little life moments with a spiritual eye." Archives
January 2025